Challis International - Challis International

The Leadership Pulse Barometer (LPB):

Management and Leadership Inventories 1 & 2 (MLI1 & MLI2)

Your personal management and leadership style is your distinction - your characteristic way of thinking and behaving that shapes your interactions with others, and that to a very large extent, determines your effectiveness in your role, your relationships and your quality of life.

Challis International’s goal, is to offer measurement technologies and instruments that are practical and relevant to people and that pass established tests of academic and psychometric rigour. Our management and leadership technologies help individuals explore both rational and less rational aspects of their managerial and leadership behaviour and functioning. Rational aspects, more closely related to managerial functioning, are explored though development and calibration of an individuals cognitive mental maps of the characteristics that differentiate effective from ineffective behaviour. Less rational aspects, more closely related to leadership functioning, are explored through increasing individual self awareness eg. understanding motives, drivers, personal needs and blind spots and the strategies practiced to satisfy them.

Getting feedback that compares how others see your style – and comparing this to how you see yourself is a very powerful process. The latest behavioural science research and advanced computer technology are combined in our MLI’s (Management and Leadership Inventories) - innovative self-assessment and when used in conjunction with the Leadership Pulse Barometer, 360 technologies that may be tailored to the needs of each individual user. Two MLI instruments are available for self use and use as part of a 360 (LPB) : MLI1 which explores behaviours and actions and the complementary instrument MLI2 which considers personal drivers, motives and beliefs.

MLI1 and MLI2 were developed on the premise that self understanding and self awareness can lead to positive change. So often we hear the question "do people really change?" That's why we encourage clients to consider re-measuring individuals at a later date -after all, improvement is a journey - and it needs signposts along the way. Detailed studies by external academic researchers show that in pre- and post-test studies of individual managers, 75% or more show positive and significant change as reported by those who work with them. MLI1 and MLI2 facilitate the personal development process by diagnosing performance problems, prescribing practical solutions and providing a method for measuring progress over time. These instruments may be used within workgroup settings to improve relationships, surface and address complex underlying issues, create a real sense of inclusiveness and build trust.

Because what drives people’s behaviour is not readily accessible to others, the only way leaders can get to know and understand what interests and motivates others, and influence the way they work, is through conversation. If relationships are sufficiently open and trusting, they will be effective and robust. By making the time to give and seek feedback and reflect on our interactions with others we make conscious more of what we are doing well, and doing not so well. This enables us to make informed choices, and to recognise the need for change when our behaviour is getting in the way of achieving our goals. Over time we are better able to influence others in positive and constructive ways and become less constrained, and in some instances shackled, by negative self talk, irrational thoughts, doubt, hot buttons, guilt etc.


Because we are human and sometimes get trapped by the task, we sometimes forget to live to our espoused values. It is important to be able to identify, talk about and deal appropriately with clear instances of when behaviours are ‘consistent’ or ‘not consistent’ and are ‘effective’ and ineffective. Challis International’s approach to personal development has always been one of measurement and feedback. We help those in leadership roles identify the relationship between behavioural strategies and styles and leadership effectiveness and provide a process for building personal capability in the leadership role.

MLI1 and MLI2 technologies, when used in conjunction with the Leadership Pulse Barometer, have been specifically designed to:

  • help develop understanding of self and inner motives/beliefs
  • help increase alignment between personal view of own behaviour and the behaviour experienced by others (manager, peer and subordinates) 
  • measure current behaviours, skills and performance
  • identify strengths and development opportunities
  • highlight barriers to personal effectiveness
  • develop more productive behaviours and skills
  • monitor change and improvement over time


View/Complete MLI1 Questionnaire (Self Version)

View/Complete MLI1 Questionnaire (360 version)

View/Complete MLI2 Questionnaire (Self Version)

View/Complete MLI2 Questionnaire (360 version)


Want to see a demonstration of the Leadership Pulse Barometer, please contact us.